Before Buying Used Car in India some points are important Before Buy and Sale. ‘Mr Neraj Sen’ – Auto Car Online consultant – describe some important tips.
Are you really in verge of buying a car? You might be confused what to buy? Right now you may not be able to afford for a brand new but it doesn’t mean that you will not own a car. Nowadays owning a used car is on high demand. Banks are offering loans on used cars so; it is not difficult to own a used car. Yes, definitely buying a used car you will undergo through a harrowing experience. This is mainly because you have to take many precautions to avoid some of the major risks like duplicity, illegal ownership, duplicate car parts. Otherwise, owning a used car can prove to be advantageous to you. First and foremost is that you will the car at a comparatively reasonable rate which can fit to your budget next thing they can be very eco-friendly as well economy. This is because; used cars usually consume less fuel and other resources. Thus, keeping in mind the present scenario where the price of petrol or diesel is increasing in a booming rate so, here used car can prove to be a boon for you.
In this article we are going to give some of the tips that can definitely going to help while buying a used car.
Through homework: when you have decided to buy a car then the first and the foremost thing is you have to complete certain homework. The first one is
Which car? Which car you want buy? First analyse your requirement. If you are having a family of three to four do not go for big cars like Toyota Innova or Chevrolet Scorpio, because that may not fit your budget.
Which model? The next important thing is you have to decide which model you are going to buy. For that you have to do a little research work that which model will give you highest mileage. Always try to keep in mind that this second hand market is very confusing you have to be very much careful. Japanese car brands are advisable for buying second hands because they are a bit reliable. Try to go for diesel car for a long term service.
Which source? This is the area where you have to be more careful because you have to choose the right source whether it’s a dealer or broker or any kind of advertisement or referral. You have to verify whether the source is authentic or not.
Which finance? Which mode of transaction you will choose for payment, either cash or any kind loans. In case of loans keep proper papers with you at the time of transaction.
Check the history of the car? if you a very authentic dealer or broker then they will check the history of the car. Like whether the car have any kind of illegal issue or not, or whether it has met any kind of grave accidents or not. This is necessary to avoid any kind of problems in future.
Proper documentation: always remember that you are buying the car from the second hand owner. Positively check the year of manufacturing not the date of registration. Check the other papers if it has or any security papers like RTO tax receipt, check the original invoice challan, NOC or insurance papers are must.
Check the parts of the cars:the first thing that you have to notice is that about the engine. If you see too much vibration during the driving then it’s not a good sign. Check the squeaks as well as the rattle.
Also check the gearbox, open the hood and check everything. Don’t forget to check the suspension by driving on a bumpy road. Ask for the underbody verification properly.
If you follow these tips die heatedly then you won’t face any kind of problem regarding your car.